Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Magnetic Warnings on Toys

To date the use of magnets in toys has not been covered in EN71 Toy Testing legislation. As a part way, temporary solution to the risks posed in some toys, the E.U Commission now requires that a label be attached to certain products containing magnets. Packaging must now show a warning about ingesting magnets. All labels must be on toys by 21st July 2008.

"Warning labels have to be attached to any toy that has a loose of detachable magnet or magnetic part which is small enough to be swallowed by a child. This is the same as the small parts test template as set out under the EN71 European Standard" - EU Rapid Press Release - MEMO/08/128

As a matter of due diligence we are required to ask retailers if they have any of this stock in their possession. Please check your stock levels and notify us by way of the attached form via e-mail, post or fax. The form has on it only the codes of products that need to have this warning label applied.

As of today (1st July 2008) all related stock leaving our warehouse will have the appropriate warnings on.

Below are a few links to information that you may find interesting with regard to this topic.

EU Rapid Press Release MEMO/08/128

2008/329/EC: Commission Decision of 21 April 2008 requiring Member States to ensure that magnetic toys placed or made available on the market display a warning about the health and safety risks they pose (notified under document number C(2008) 1484) (Text with EEA relevance)

If you are retailer currently stocking our products then please contact the office on 01303 250400 or sam@bigjigs.co.uk for a list of the products concerned so that we can send to you appropriate labels.

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